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Nature & People need

Completed Volunteering Events - Lebanon - Fall 2021
Akoura|November 06, 2021
Massive Clean up at Akoura.
We are grouping the largest group to clean Akoura once for all! We will be divided in teams to clean and sort different location. From Rweiss river(1300m asl) to Saydet el Qaren (2000m asl)
Tripoli|October 3, 2021
Clean up the beach and the adjacent parking and streets from Mal3ab el Baladi to the island Al baqar..

Simultaneously there is a 5.5KM swim challenge from the Rabbit Island to the Miona beach under the patronage of the Lebanese Swimming Federation.

Anfeh|October 2, 2021
Clean up the beach and the adjacent parking and streets of the city of Anfeh.

Batroun|September 26, 2021
Clean up the beach and the adjacent parking and streets from the north of Moncef to the north Batroun .

Simultaneously there is a 4.8km swim challenge along the beach under the patronage of the Lebanese Swimming Federation.

Chekka|September 25, 2021
Chekka-Here CLEANUP
Clean up the beach and the adjacent parking and streets of the cities of Hereh and Chekka..
Byblos|September 19, 2021
Clean up the beach and the adjacent parking and streets from Fidat to the south of Amchit.

Simultaneously there is a 4.5km swim challenge along the beach under the patronage of the Lebanese Swimming Federation.

Okaibeh|September 18, 2021
Clean up the beach and the adjacent parking and streets of OKAIBEH.

Jounieh|September 12, 2021
Clean up the beach and the adjacent parking and streets from ATCL to Aqua 2.
Simultaneously there is a 5.0Km swim challenge along the beach under the patronage of the Lebanese Swimming Federation.

Jiyyeh |September 11, 2021
Clean up the beach and the adjacent parking and streets of Jiyyeh.

Damour | September 4, 2021
Clean up the beach and the adjacent parking and streets of Damour.
Beirut | September 5, 2021
Clean up the beach and the adjacent streets from Ramlet el Bayda to Zeituna bay.

Simultaneously there is a 3.4km swim challenge along the beach under the patronage of the Lebanese Swimming Federation.

Saida | August 29, 2021
Clean up the beach and the adjacent parking and streets from the citadelle to Rmeileh Beach.
Simultaneously there is a 3.8km swim challenge along the beach under the patronage of the Lebanese Swimming Federation.

Ghaziyye | August 28, 2021
Ghaziyye CLEANUP
Clean up the beaches and the adjacent parking and streets in Ghaziyye along a 3000m stretch
Kfaraabida | August 25, 2021
Kfaraabida CLEANUP
The project aims to reduce marine debris in the coast of Kafraabida.
Tyre | August 22, 2021
Clean up the beach and the adjacent parking and streets from me7miyyet el zale7if until the old city of TYRE.

Simultaneously there is a 4.6 swim challenge along the beach under the patronage of the Lebanese Swimming Federation.

Naqoura | August 21, 2021
Cleaning up the beach of Naqoura.
Bejjeh | August 8, 2021
Bejjeh Hike and Cleanup
Hiking from Bejjeh to Maad passing by Ghbaline and Ain Kfaa, clean all trashes and visiting archeological sites, ending by a Manakish breakfast.
Manara | August 1st, 2021
We are going to clean up the Manara public beach, a nice spot in the heart of Beirut's coastline.
We will also sort the trash and separate recyclable materials, such as plastic, glass, metals.
Our clean-up action will raise awareness among the beach visitors about the importance of disposing properly of waste.
The recyclable materials will be picked up by Live Love Recycle and will be properly recycled or re-used.
Ramlet El Bayda | July 25, 2021
Ramlet El Bayda CLEANUP
Join us for a cleanup at Ramlet l Bayda beach in Beirut. One of the biggest and most beautiful sandy beaches in the country.
This beach is a place where sea turtles form nests to lay their eggs. It is important to regularly clean Ramlet l Bayda to protect marine life.
Manara | July 18, 2021
We are going to clean up the Manara public beach, a nice spot in the heart of Beirut's coastline.
We will also sort the trash and separate recyclable materials, such as plastic, glass, metals.
Our clean-up action will raise awareness among the beach visitors about the importance of disposing properly of waste.
The recyclable materials will be picked up by Live Love Recycle and will be properly recycled or re-used.
Amchit | May 30, 2021
The project aims to reduce marine debris, including ghost fishing nets from shorelines, seabed and sea surface and encourage innovative up cycling of plastic waste in corporation with fishermen, divers and local community (NGOs, Students, scouts and local volunteers) in the coast of Amchit, Oqaiibe, and Kafraabida.
Fidar| May 30, 2021
"Protect our coasts and Sea, Join our beach Campaign!" May 30, 2021. This activity with the collaboration of LeGambiente, Clean Up the Med, MIO-ESCDE, a monitoring survey of Marine Litter.
Okaibe | May 30, 2021
The project aims to reduce marine debris, including ghost fishing nets from shorelines, seabed and sea surface and encourage innovative up cycling of plastic waste in corporation with fishermen, divers and local community (NGOs, Students, scouts and local volunteers) in the coast of Amchit, Oqaiibe, and Kafraabida.
Kfarabida | May 30, 2021
Kfarabida CLEANUP
The project aims to reduce marine debris, including ghost fishing nets from shorelines, seabed and sea surface and encourage innovative up cycling of plastic waste in corporation with fishermen, divers and local community (NGOs, Students, scouts and local volunteers) in the coast of Amchit, Oqaiibe, and Kafraabida.
Blat | May 30, 2021
"Protect our coasts and Sea, Join our beach Campaign!" May 30, 2021. This activity with the collaboration of LeGambiente, Clean Up the Med, MIO-ESCDE, a monitoring survey of Marine Litter.
Byblos | May 30, 2021
"Protect our coasts and Sea, Join our beach Campaign!" May 30, 2021. This activity with the collaboration of LeGambiente, Clean Up the Med, MIO-ESCDE, a monitoring survey of Marine Litter.
Saida | May 23, 2021
The main topic addressed by this initiative is awareness education.Protect our coasts and Sea, Join our beach Campaign! May 23, 2021.
Beirut | May 23, 2021
Beirut Beach CLEANUP
Marathon Beirut Beach cleanup in collaboration with Live Love Recycle
May 23, 2021.
Okaibe | May 22, 2021
Preservation of the sea's ecosystem/raise awareness/preserve the beauty of nature in an enjoyable way
Amchit | May 23, 2021
There can never be enough cleanups or environmental activities; my motivation is simply to clean our nature as well as raise awareness on this matter, so that we can encourage more people to be conscious in their behavior towards beaches, nature & therefore themselves.
Tyre | May 21, 2021
Here we go again for the Tyre Coast Clean-up Part 4, before the start of the Summer season! Tyre Coast is a Ramsar site, it is the largest sandy beach in Lebanon with the largest biodiversity.
Kfarmishki | May 15 2021
Kfarmishki CLEANUP
What motivates kfarmishki's youth is our love for the environment that houses us, we're specifically targeting the pollution problem by picking up litter from all over the village and recycling them
Abbasieh | May 21, 2021
Abbasieh CLEANUP
The beach is a natural tresor, let's keep it clean by: participating in the cleaning campaign, avoid using plastic products and replacing them by others that are eco-friendly.
Akoura | July 28, 2018
Come all! Massive Hunting Cartridges Cleanup
Millions of hunting cartridges left in Lebanon's mountains are polluting our soil. They represent a real environmental threat. Join us as we cleanup a highly affected area in Akoura on July 28. Sign up here to reserve a spot on our bus (first come first served, or to get the location and join us up there)
Our intervention on the Mediteranean coast
Civil Society Making A Real Impact
Underwater Clean-Up Weekend
October 14-15, 2017
117 scuba divers from around the world gathered along 8 Lebanese coasts to pick up underwater trash and debris. We know a countless amount of waste is being sent to the seas. This campaign was made to raise awareness and help preserve our Mediterranean sea.

Initiator: Maya Saad
Underwater Clean-Up Weekend
October 14-15, 2017
117 scuba divers from around the world gathered along 8 Lebanese coasts to pick up underwater trash and debris. We know a countless amount of waste is being sent to the seas. This campaign was made to raise awareness and help preserve our Mediterranean sea.

Initiator: Maya Saad
Kfarhelda Waterfall Clean
September 16, 2017
170 volunteers picked up 3550 bags of accumulated garbage from one of Lebanon's most beautiful natural sites.

Initiator: Tom Makdissy,
Live Love Kfarhelda Ambassador
Photos by: Haig Melikian
Kfarhelda Waterfall Clean
September 16, 2017
170 volunteers picked up 3550 bags of accumulated garbage from one of Lebanon's most beautiful natural sites.

Initiator: Tom Makdissy,
Live Love Kfarhelda Ambassador
Photos by: Haig Melikian
"It was the first time many of us felt nature the way they did at that moment.We understood the meaning of all becoming one despite our differences and backgrounds. After 8 hours of hard work, a new kind of family emerged. " Tarek S. – Live Love Volunteer

Where should we go next?
Initiate a Live Love Volunteer event by submitting your project here.
It must fall under one of the 3 Live Love pillars.
Help us create more events like these by donating or buying a bracelet. Funds will go to make the volunteering days happen in the best way possible.