"My passion for sports is a daily booster that I wish to
share with as many people as possible"
After a sports career as a high level soccer player, then 6 years spent in the professional fire department, Anthony FISCHER naturally turned to coaching and physical preparation.
Since 2005, he has been training and developing his experience internationally (United States, Canada, Guadeloupe, Thailand & France), which allows him to offer complete physical preparation to his students.

Since his return to France in 2016, Tony has developed his activity in the artistic field, notably by coaching the physical preparation of actresses such as Josephine Jobert, Camilou, Flavie Péan or Constance Labbe. But also the actor and singer Tom Leeb, and the international model Jade Lagadère. He is also the coach for those who wish to improve their health and general well- being.
His expertise in physical preparation and programming has encouraged him to offer his training programs online on the platform, where he is committed to making his training plans accessible to as many people as possible.

Based on this experience, he is delighted to offer his new program: the Silhouette program, entirely dedicated to women. Let's take a look at the specifics of this program with him.
Why did you choose to offer a program 100% dedicated to women?

For several years, I have naturally specialized in coaching and physically train women. More than 90% of my coaching students are women, and nearly 75% on the WarmNup digital platform as well. Over the years, I have had to train, learn, adjust, and evolve. The goal is to constantly adapt my techniques so to suit all the women I work with. Thanks to this experience, I felt ready to propose this program 100% dedicated to women.

With the abundance of this type of program on the Internet, how is Silhouette different?

As I mentioned earlier, I based my work on my experience and training to create Silhouette. The main idea was to put health at the center of this project. At first, it was important to offer a program that could be adapted to all women, no matter their level.

Then, I wanted to break the clichés and false beliefs. I didn't want propose utopias such as "dream body" in 2 weeks, "amazing butt in 1 month" by only working with an elastic band, or the famous "flat belly" by only doing 10 minutes of abs per day for 10 days.
I actually fight against these marketing plans which are there to sell and popularize physical preparation. It was therefore essential to propose an honest, coherent and the most complete program possible.

Another extremely important point is that this program offers options that can be adapted during your menstrual cycle. A subject that is still too often taboo, yet essential. With the help of my dietician colleague Nouchka SIMIC, we have developed a specific training plan for the menstrual period. Included in this program, she also created a health & wellness Ebook, filled with advice on how to best deal with the woman's cycle. A strong asset of Silhouette.

Finally, the sessions of this program present training options for the gym and the home workouts Whether you're a gym-freak or you prefer to work out at home, you'll always find suitable exercise options.

So when you say a program for "all women", it is also made for beginners?

Absolutely. Each exercise has options for beginners, with instructional videos that will make you feel like your are in a personal training session, allowing you to learn how to do the moves correctly and safely. And to push our support to the limit, each participant will have access to a motivation group. A platform for sharing and mutual support between all the women who will take part in the program. But also a way to
ask me questions if needed, and to exchange with the professionals who collaborated on this project.

Finally, if you were to sum up Silhouette and the WarmNup platform in a few words?

Professionalism, caring and support. Since its creation in 2020, we are very proud to have contributed to the well-being of hundreds of people. Whether it is those who have trusted us since the beginning of the adventure, or all the people who join us every day, this magnificent community carries high the values that we hold so dear. Those of well-being, health and shared pleasure.